“Field Marshal Haig’s Own Pipes & Drums” is a commemoration and remembrance music group for bagpipe, drum, and bugle players. The identity and operation are based on these basic elements:
- The rich musical and historical traditions of Scottish (and other) Pipe Bands.
- “Remembrance and Commemoration”. Starting from the special bond Flanders has with the “First World War”, particular attention is paid to the aspects of “commemoration and remembrance”. No distinction is made on cultural, religious, national or regional backgrounds or historical periods.
- The commitment to strive for quality in our musical performance, appearance and presentation.
- “Cross-cultural understanding”. The group wants to play an active role as an ambassador in two directions. Field Marshal Haig’s Own Pipes & Drums carries not only Flanders in general, and the story of the First World War in particular across the borders: it is also our aim to represent the Scottish culture and history (including the Scottish emigration areas) in our region. Through the importance given to the aspect of “cultural exchange”, the objectives strive for a story of peace, tolerance and reconciliation.
- The importance of the group name and the motto. Field Marshal Haig, the British commander on the Western WW1 front between 1916 and 1918, was, because of his steadfastness, chosen as a symbol for all soldiers and civilians who were and are involved in conflicts.
These basic elements are the reasons for the existence of the band and are considered essential, equal, integral and indivisible parts of the “Mission Statement”. Membership of the group implies an unequivocal acceptance of this basic text